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signaling speed中文是什么意思

用"signaling speed"造句"signaling speed"怎么读"signaling speed" in a sentence


  • 发码速率
  • 通信速度


  • A unit of signalling speed equal to the number of discrete conditions or signal events per second
  • The system can scan the wideband frequency 、 lock the frequency of receiving data and convert the if signal to digital data timely . directly sampled data by a / d or saved data by sdram ( when signal speed is too high ) can be transmitted to pc by usb2 . 0 or to dsp by link port in order to complete the modulation detecting and intercepting of signals
    信号经高速a / d变换可以实时或经sdram缓冲后(当采样速率过高时)由usb2 . 0总线传入pc或由linkport传入后端双dsp综合信号处理板进行调制识别处理(或接收由双dsp信号处理完的数据并传入pc机完成后续运算处理) ,完成无线电监测。
用"signaling speed"造句  


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